Boss Chick of the Month: Corinne Ray

Welcome to 2018 Boss Chicks! With a new year, comes new adventures, challenges and Boss Chicks of the Month! I am pleased to announce our Miss January, Corinne Ray. Corinne’s first Boss Chick class was in December 2016 for Santa’s Twerkshop. Since then, she has been killing it on the dance floor and a standup Boss Chick.
To know Corinne is to know one of the sweetest, kindest women you will ever meet. An active member of her church community, Corinne is no stranger to giving of herself to help others. One story I will never forget occurred last year when she traveled to Honduras for a mission trip. Corinne was with kids and others when she taught them her favorite Boss Chick routine, Bring the Beat by Machel Montano! Unfortunately the video of this event is lost but the memories of that story will live.
Corinne makes time to get to class multiple times per week inspite of a not so ideal commute from teaching. She is constantly reminding me of routine steps (if you’ve been following these posts, you’ll know that I do mess up a lot) which is a nice relief especially in times of stress. Next to me, front and center, you will find Corinne. I am extremely grateful.
Scroll down to read an interview with Miss January.

Interview with Boss Chick Corinne!
Where are you from? Medford, MA
What do you do for a living? I’m a teacher of the best group of toddlers in Arlington.
What do you like about the Boss Chick Dance Workout with Portia? My favorite thing about the class is being able to workout with such an amazing group of women that encourages each of us to be our best selves. It’s such a positive environment.
What is your favorite routine(s)? My two favorite routines are Bring the Beat by Machel Montano and Skelewu by Davido.
What motivates you to prioritize exercise in your life? I’ve made exercise a priority because of family health concerns. I knew that I had to make some lifestyle changes to prevent the same issues that I’ve seen my parents and grandparents go through. Changing my eating habits was a good start, but exercising is just as important.
Any advice you would have for a woman reading this? My advice to any woman reading this is to take good care of yourself physically, mentally and emotionally. We are often so busy being super women that we neglect our own needs. Schedule time for self care. It sounds weird, but this class is an answer to prayer. I really wanted to find a fun workout class that incorporates dance to help me maintain a healthy lifestyle. In December of 2016, Victoria invited me to try Santa’s Twerkshop and the rest is HERstory!